Extract Access Database Password with PowerShell

Previously we looked at removing Office Macro Passwords with PowerShell here.

This script can be used to retrieve the master password (i.e. database design password) for many Microsoft Access Database files (.mdb) Note this does not work with databases that have multiple user/passwords associated with them. Only tested with Access 2003-2007 format. May work with older formats, or there may be some minimal tweaking required.

The script is available here https://github.com/chentiangemalc/PowerShellScripts/blob/master/Get-MdbPassword.ps1

Example usage:


    Displays the password of an Access 2003-2007 (MDB) file


    Decrypts Access Database password.


    The access database file of which to display the password.



  Version:        1.0

  Author:         chentiangemalc

  Creation Date:  6 Sep 2022

  Purpose/Change: Initial script development


  .\Get-MdbPassword.ps1 -Path c:\test\test.mdb


    if( -Not ($_ | Test-Path) ){
        throw "File or folder does not exist"

    if(-Not ($_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf) ){
        throw "The Path argument must be a file. Folder paths are not allowed."
    return $true

[Byte[]]$global:decoderKey = @( 

Function Decode-Data([Byte[]]$data,[System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding)
        "Unicode" { $decodeSize = 40 }
        default: { throw "Unknown encoding type" }

    $dataPosition = 0
    [Byte]$key1 = $global:decoderKey[36] -bxor $data[36]
    [Byte]$key3 = $global:decoderKey[37] -bxor $data[37]
    [byte]$key4 = 0
    for ($counter = 0; $counter -lt $decodeSize;$counter++)
        $key4 = $data[$counter] -bxor $global:decoderKey[$counter]
        if (!($counter % 4)) { $data[$counter] = $key1 -bxor $key4 }
        if (($counter % 4) -eq 1) { $data[$counter] = $data[$counter] -bxor $key3 }


    $outString = $encoding.GetString($data)
    $outString = $outString.Substring(0,$outString.IndexOf([Char]0))

$stream = [System.IO.File]::Open($path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read, [System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite)
$reader = New-Object System.IO.BinaryReader($stream)
$chunk = $reader.ReadBytes(128)
if ($chunk[4] -eq 0x53 -and
    $chunk[5] -eq 0x74 -and
    $chunk[6] -eq 0x61 -and
    $chunk[13] -eq 0x4A -and
    $chunk[14] -eq 0x65)
    [void]$reader.BaseStream.Seek(66, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin)
    $chunk = $reader.ReadBytes(128)
    if ($chunk[90] -eq 0x34 -and
        $chunk[91] -eq 0x2E -and
        $chunk[92] -eq 0x30)
        Decode-Data -Data $chunk -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode)
        # note: Expect ASCII encoding based file to use decode size of 85 
        # but don't have any example file to test with at the moment
        throw "Unknown Encoding"
    throw "Unexpected data!"


About chentiangemalc

specializes in end-user computing technologies. disclaimer 1) use at your own risk. test any solution in your environment. if you do not understand the impact/consequences of what you're doing please stop, and ask advice from somebody who does. 2) views are my own at the time of posting and do not necessarily represent my current view or the view of my employer and family members/relatives. 3) over the years Microsoft/Citrix/VMWare have given me a few free shirts, pens, paper notebooks/etc. despite these gifts i will try to remain unbiased.
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