Patching Visual Basic 4.0 (16-bit) to run in Windows 3.1 within DosBox

When attempting to launch Visual Basic 4.0 from Windows 3.1 running in DosBox the following error appeared:

SHARE.exe must be installed in order to run Visual Basic


This was despite already extracting share.exe from MS-DOS 6.22 install files, using command ver set 6 22 to make machine believe it’s running MS-DOS v6.22, and having it run in the background.


So the question is how does Visual Basic 4 detect share.exe installation?

Using NirSoft SearchMyFiles I searched the file contents to find files containing this error message:


Opening the DLL in IDA pro we can find the error message:


Initial analysis of VB.exe startup process through IDA didn’t give immediate clues and was going to take a long time to completely walk through the startup process.

The resource string containing error message would likely be loaded by a call to LOADSTRING API but there was quite a few references to this and none were immediately clear which one loaded this particular error message.

Normally I would set a breakpoint on MESSAGEBOX or break into debugger when error was displayed. However the keyboard shortcut to break into CodeView debugger from Windows 3.1 SDK wasn’t working in Windows 3.1 on DosBox. Also I didn’t have any symbols so it was more difficult to set a breakpoint on MESSAGEBOX.

What I did instead is using IDA Pro, used the Assemble function to replace each CALL MESSAGEBOX with int 3 (Break into debugger)

From the surrounding code I immediately identified which MESSAGEBOX was displaying the error message.


The same section of code in IDA:

cseg47:297E                 push    bp
cseg47:297F                 mov     bp, sp
cseg47:2981                 push    di
cseg47:2982                 push    si
cseg47:2983                 mov     di, [bp+6]
cseg47:2986                 mov     es, word ptr [bp+8]
cseg47:2989                 push    word ptr es:[di]
cseg47:298C                 push    word ptr es:[di+4]
cseg47:2990                 push    word ptr es:[di+2]
cseg47:2994                 push    word ptr es:[di+8]
cseg47:2998                 push    word ptr es:[di+6]
cseg47:299C                 push    word ptr es:[di+0Ah]
cseg47:29A0                 call    MESSAGEBOX

However there was nothing directly calling this function, it seemed to be called by some kind of event handler set up with

push seg cseg47

push 297Eh


call sub_847C



Next I tested the EXE on Windows 7 32-bit and it worked fine. I then used API Monitor run as local Administrator and configured to intercept new processes, monitoring for Data Access and Storage APIs.

First I ensured no ntvdm.exe processes were currently running, then when Visual Basic 4 launched, ntvdm.exe process launched in Windows 7 to emulate the 16-bit layer, and I monitored this process.


Here we can see a temporary file is created, locked/unlocked, and then deleted during startup:


The problem is our VB.exe does not make any calls to an API named LockFile or UnlockFile, and I don’t think this API existed yet in Windows 3.1.

So if not a Windows API, maybe a MS-DOS API was used….

The INT 2fH vector (at 0000:00bc) was a portal to many varied services; some installed by DOS and others by device drivers, utility programs, Windows, etc.  It is sometimes call the Multiplex or MUX Interrupt.

By setting AX register on CPU to a specified value many services could be called such as:

  • 01xxH Print spooler services
  • 0600H Assign installed?
  • 1000H Share installed?
  • 1100H is network installed?
  • 1400H Nlsfunc installed?
  • 15xxH Mscdex services
  • 16xxH Windows 386Enh-Mode services
  • 1680H AppIdle Release timeslice
  • 1a00H ANSI.SYS installed?
  • 17xxH Windows Clipboard access
  • 40xxH Windows VDD fns for VM-aware apps
  • 4a11H DoubleSpace API services
  • 43xxH HIMEM.SYS / XMS Services
  • 48xxH Doskey services
  • 4axxH HMA Allocations (undoc’d)
  • 4bxxH Dosshell / Switcher API
  • 54xxH POWER.EXE (undocumented)
  • adxxH Keyb services
  • aexxH COMMAND.COM hook services
  • b000H Graftabl installed?
  • b7xxH Append services
  • xxfbH FaxBIOS Services

Scanning the program I could confirm the INT 2FH vector method was not used to detect Share being installed.

So I checked the standard MS-DOS functions executed via INT 21h.

Here we found the lock file / unlock file functions:

Documentation for the lock function specifies:

Compatibility: 3.0+
Expects: AX 5c00H
BX file handle
CX:DX file offset from start of file (CX * 65536)+DX
SI:DI length in bytes of region to lock (SI * 65536)+DI
Returns: AX error code if CF is set to CY

This function locks access to a region of the file identified by the file handle in BX. The region of the file that begins at file logical offset CX:DX extending for a length of SI:DI is locked. File sharing support must be present (usually installed by your network software, or Windows, or by using the DOS Share command). If not installed, the call returns an error code of “invalid function number.” Locks apply to reads, writes, and opens of a file by a child or concurrent process. When another process attempts such an access (and the Access Mode defined during the file OPEN is a sharing mode which disallows such access), then DOS will fail the operation via an INT 24H Critical Error handler. The correct way to avoid a lock violation is to attempt to lock the region yourself and examine the returned error code. By default, any attempt to violate a lock causes DOS to display the “Abort, Retry, Ignore” message after three tries. You can change the retry count via fn 440bH. And you can intercept INT 24H to cause a less ghastly response. To lock an entire file: It is legal to lock beyond the end of the file. You can lock an entire file by setting CX=0, DX=0, SI=0ffffH, and DI=0ffffH.

When you unlock (via fn 5c01H), the offset and length must match exactly with the offset and length that was locked.

  • DUPing a file handle via Fn 45H or 46H will duplicate any locks.
  • Even if an Access Mode of “Inherit” is used when opened, the locking mechanism does not give access privileges to child processes created via 4bH EXEC.
  • It is important that all locks be removed from a file before a program is terminated. You should intercept INT 23H (Ctrl-Break) and INT 24H (Critical Error) to ensure that locks are removed before you terminate.
  • It is recommended that you unlock as soon as possible. Always try to lock, access the file, and unlock in one operation.

Searching for locking files we can see mov  word ptr [bp+var_12], 5C00h sets up the local file operation executed in  the following call  __intdos

With mov  word ptr [bp+var_12], 5C01h setting up the file unlock operation.

cseg58:0000 LOCKFILETEST    proc far                ; CODE XREF: sub_388FE+772↑P
cseg58:0000 var_12A         = OFSTRUCT ptr -12Ah
cseg58:0000 var_A2          = byte ptr -0A2h
cseg58:0000 var_20          = _REGS ptr -20h
cseg58:0000 var_12          = _REGS ptr -12h
cseg58:0000 var_4           = word ptr -4
cseg58:0000 var_2           = word ptr -2
cseg58:0000 arg_0           = word ptr  6
cseg58:0000 arg_2           = word ptr  8
cseg58:0000                 enter   12Ah, 0
cseg58:0004                 push    di
cseg58:0005                 mov     di, [bp+arg_0]
cseg58:0008                 xor     ax, ax
cseg58:000A                 mov     [bp+var_4], ax
cseg58:000D                 mov     es, [bp+arg_2]
cseg58:0010                 mov     es:[di], ax
cseg58:0013                 lea     ax, [bp+var_A2]
cseg58:0017                 push    ss
cseg58:0018                 push    ax              ; LPSTR
cseg58:0019                 push    80h             ; int
cseg58:001C                 call    sub_6301C
cseg58:0021                 lea     ax, [bp+var_A2]
cseg58:0025                 push    ss
cseg58:0026                 push    ax              ; LPCSTR
cseg58:0027                 lea     ax, [bp+var_12A]
cseg58:002B                 push    ss
cseg58:002C                 push    ax              ; OFSTRUCT far *
cseg58:002D                 push    1010h           ; UINT
cseg58:0030                 call    OPENFILE
cseg58:0035                 mov     [bp+var_2], ax
cseg58:0038                 inc     ax
cseg58:0039                 jnz     short loc_DDF45
cseg58:003B                 mov     es, [bp+arg_2]
cseg58:003E                 mov     word ptr es:[di], 1
cseg58:0043                 jmp     short loc_DDFB2
cseg58:0045 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cseg58:0045 loc_DDF45:                              ; CODE XREF: LOCKFILETEST+39↑j
cseg58:0045                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12], 5C00h
cseg58:004A                 mov     ax, [bp+var_2]
cseg58:004D                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+2], ax
cseg58:0050                 xor     ax, ax
cseg58:0052                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+4], ax
cseg58:0055                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+6], ax
cseg58:0058                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+8], ax
cseg58:005B                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+0Ah], 1
cseg58:0060                 lea     cx, [bp+var_20]
cseg58:0063                 push    ss
cseg58:0064                 push    cx              ; union _REGS *
cseg58:0065                 lea     cx, [bp+var_12]
cseg58:0068                 push    ss
cseg58:0069                 push    cx              ; union _REGS *
cseg58:006A                 call    __intdos
cseg58:006F                 add     sp, 8
cseg58:0072                 cmp     word ptr [bp+var_20+0Ch], 0
cseg58:0076                 jnz     short loc_DDFAA
cseg58:0078                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12], 5C01h
cseg58:007D                 mov     ax, [bp+var_2]
cseg58:0080                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+2], ax
cseg58:0083                 xor     ax, ax
cseg58:0085                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+4], ax
cseg58:0088                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+6], ax
cseg58:008B                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+8], ax
cseg58:008E                 mov     word ptr [bp+var_12+0Ah], 1
cseg58:0093                 lea     ax, [bp+var_20]
cseg58:0096                 push    ss
cseg58:0097                 push    ax              ; union _REGS *
cseg58:0098                 lea     ax, [bp+var_12]
cseg58:009B                 push    ss
cseg58:009C                 push    ax              ; union _REGS *
cseg58:009D                 call    __intdos
cseg58:00A2                 add     sp, 8
cseg58:00A5                 mov     [bp+var_4], 1
cseg58:00AA loc_DDFAA:                              ; CODE XREF: LOCKFILETEST+76↑j
cseg58:00AA                 push    [bp+var_2]      ; HFILE
cseg58:00AD                 call    _LCLOSE
cseg58:00B2 loc_DDFB2:                              ; CODE XREF: LOCKFILETEST+43↑j
cseg58:00B2                 lea     ax, [bp+var_12A.szPathName]
cseg58:00B6                 push    ss
cseg58:00B7                 push    ax              ; char *
cseg58:00B8                 call    far ptr __unlink
cseg58:00BD                 add     sp, 4
cseg58:00C0                 mov     ax, [bp+var_4]
cseg58:00C3                 pop     di
cseg58:00C4                 leave
cseg58:00C5                 retf    4
cseg58:00C5 LOCKFILETEST    endp

Checking the __intdos function we find the following code:

cseg01:0580 ; int __cdecl _intdos(union _REGS *, union _REGS *)
cseg01:0580 __intdos        proc far                ; CODE XREF: __dosexterr+18↓P
cseg01:0580                                         ; sub_DDF00+6A↓P ...
cseg01:0580 arg_0           = dword ptr  6
cseg01:0580 arg_4           = dword ptr  0Ah
cseg01:0580                 mov     ax, ds
cseg01:0582                 nop
cseg01:0583                 inc     bp
cseg01:0584                 push    bp
cseg01:0585                 mov     bp, sp
cseg01:0587                 push    ds
cseg01:0588                 mov     ds, ax
cseg01:058A                 push    si
cseg01:058B                 push    di
cseg01:058C                 push    ds
cseg01:058D                 lds     di, [bp+arg_0]
cseg01:0590                 mov     ax, [di]
cseg01:0592                 mov     bx, [di+2]
cseg01:0595                 mov     cx, [di+4]
cseg01:0598                 mov     dx, [di+6]
cseg01:059B                 mov     si, [di+8]
cseg01:059E                 mov     di, [di+0Ah]
cseg01:05A1                 pop     ds
cseg01:05A2                 test    cs:off_10, 1
cseg01:05A9                 jz      short loc_5B2
cseg01:05AB                 call    DOS3CALL
cseg01:05B0                 jmp     short loc_5B4
cseg01:05B2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cseg01:05B2 loc_5B2:                                ; CODE XREF: __intdos+29↑j
cseg01:05B2                 int     21h             ; DOS -
cseg01:05B4 loc_5B4:                                ; CODE XREF: __intdos+30↑j
cseg01:05B4                 push    ds
cseg01:05B5                 push    di
cseg01:05B6                 lds     di, [bp+arg_4]
cseg01:05B9                 mov     [di], ax
cseg01:05BB                 mov     [di+2], bx
cseg01:05BE                 mov     [di+4], cx
cseg01:05C1                 mov     [di+6], dx
cseg01:05C4                 mov     [di+8], si
cseg01:05C7                 pop     word ptr [di+0Ah]
cseg01:05CA                 jb      short loc_5D0
cseg01:05CC                 xor     si, si
cseg01:05CE                 jmp     short loc_5DE
cseg01:05D0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cseg01:05D0 loc_5D0:                                ; CODE XREF: __intdos+4A↑j
cseg01:05D0                 pop     ds
cseg01:05D1                 push    ds
cseg01:05D2                 push    cs
cseg01:05D3                 call    near ptr __maperror
cseg01:05D6                 lds     di, [bp+arg_4]
cseg01:05D9                 mov     si, 1
cseg01:05DC                 mov     ax, [di]
cseg01:05DE loc_5DE:                                ; CODE XREF: __intdos+4E↑j
cseg01:05DE                 mov     [di+0Ch], si
cseg01:05E1                 pop     ds
cseg01:05E2                 pop     di
cseg01:05E3                 pop     si
cseg01:05E4                 sub     bp, 2
cseg01:05E7                 mov     sp, bp
cseg01:05E9                 pop     ds
cseg01:05EA                 pop     bp
cseg01:05EB                 dec     bp
cseg01:05EC                 retf
cseg01:05EC __intdos        endp

In this case we can see the error handler called with jb short loc_5D0

So using patch bytes feature in IDA pro we patched out the two bytes of instruction to two No Operation “NOP” (90 90)”


The error handler never gets called now, if the lock / unlock APIs are unavailable:


These changes were then saved using Edit –> Patch Program –> Apply patches to input file.

Visual Basic now loads the UI, but we do get a Device I/O error.


Several OCX files fail to load.


Despite the OCX controls failing to load creating a program, compiling and running works fine now!


While this fix bypasses the error it will make the application less stable as it no longer has any file locking capability, and corruption of files is likely.

So the best fix would to configure/fix DosBox to support the lock / unlock MS-DOS API.

About chentiangemalc

specializes in end-user computing technologies. disclaimer 1) use at your own risk. test any solution in your environment. if you do not understand the impact/consequences of what you're doing please stop, and ask advice from somebody who does. 2) views are my own at the time of posting and do not necessarily represent my current view or the view of my employer and family members/relatives. 3) over the years Microsoft/Citrix/VMWare have given me a few free shirts, pens, paper notebooks/etc. despite these gifts i will try to remain unbiased.
This entry was posted in 16-bit, IDA, Reverse Engineering. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Patching Visual Basic 4.0 (16-bit) to run in Windows 3.1 within DosBox

  1. Luv says:

    Well done, respectable work. But not a good tradeoff if you lose OCX capability (no COMDLG = no Open/Save/Print dialogs, for example).

    Instead, while waiting for the DOSBOX team, use VSHARE.386. That’s the Windows-integrated 32bit version of SHARE.EXE:
    It’s installed by default on Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

    Otherwise, people suggest Visual Basic 3 as is the recommended version for Windows 3.1 because it’s faster and produces smaller native binaries.

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