136 Responses to Case of the User Service Service Failed The Logon

  1. Berry George says:

    Excellent! This was extremely helpful.

  2. Ruedi says:

    Hello – I had the same issue. Thanks a bunch for sharing this !

  3. Patrick Reisinger says:


  4. Jim says:

    Hi, thanks a lot for this. Had the exact same problem with a brand new Dell Optiplex 390 (Well, 20 of them actually) with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed. As it was new on the domain ALL users were new, so no one could log on. Easiest way to deal with it was to delete the offending file using Group Policy. What an over site!

  5. RipeRipe says:

    Fasntastic! Had exactly the same issue and most of the knowledge base articles are related to local accounts and not domain accounts. Also, I could not see anything in the Profiles section of the registry apart from the usual three local accounts and the Domain Administrator one.

    Keywords: Domain Account; The User Profile Service service failed the logon

  6. Nikita says:

    Thank you, that solved my problem. In my case the problem file was completely different though.

  7. Khumbue says:

    Thanks so so much, just solved my problem!!!

  8. Tony says:

    Thank you for this! This was the EXACT solution for me. All other suggestion I found kept point to KB947215 and it wasn’t the key.

    Thanks again.

  9. Henry says:

    LEGEND!!! 1/2 a day working through crappy MS ‘solutions’ and half-@ssed forum posts only to find the answer here. I bow to your wisdom, Great One!

  10. Joe says:

    FANTASTIC!!! Thanks for sharing your solution. More than anything thank you for sharing your debug path; extremely useful. As we say in Brazil: “you not only told us the miracle, you also showed us the Saint who did it”. ;-)

  11. Tom Aguero says:

    Thank you! an hour of banging my head into a wall and Googling away with nothing but reblogged useless crap finally led me to this article which completely cured the problem in seconds!

  12. Steven Bohne says:

    You are a freakin’ genius and my new favorite IT helper!

  13. Danlo says:

    Phenomenal! I can’t tell you how many articles I read through re: this problem that never came close to solving the real issue. Thanks a bunch!

  14. Neil says:

    Thanks for this fix, it worked a treat after all of the Microsoft KBs failed to resolve the issue. Thanks again

  15. vic says:

    I had the same problem but the source of the problem was something else. In the registry the default profile location was set to some other profile not to Default User. So no matter what changes I do on the default profile it will not fix it for me. Moreover the profile it was pointing it to was deleted- including the default profile. I copied the working default profile from other computer and name it to whatever but not Default User (need more explanation for that) and point registry entry to that profile. And it worked

  16. Kyle C. says:

    Thank you very much, this was extremely helpful in resolving a similar issue.

  17. Joe says:

    Instead of deleting it (who knows what that actually does), you can also give all users read access to that file and that will “fix” the issue as well. Still would be nice to know what’s causing this issue and what Microsoft’s recommendations are. In my environment this issue was encountered when adding an IEAK install of IE10 in our SCCM task sequence.

  18. J says:

    I noticed that after adding an IEAK install of IE10 into my ConfigMgr 2012 task sequence as well.

  19. Eddie says:

    Great Article! This was exactly the problem I was running into.

  20. Amdi T. says:

    Excelent! God job. This solved my problem too. I run a small/medium sized network with roaming profiles. We discovered this issue when new users were trying to logon on freshly imaged PC’s. Gotta edit the image now :)

  21. Frosty says:

    Thanks for this … in our case the fix was a combination of things:
    (1) renaming any .SQM files in the Default user profile (there were 2 of them) to .SQM.OLD; then
    (2) right-clicking on the Default user profile, Properties, Security … forcing those permissions to be inherited for all sub-folders and files

  22. SwimmingLink says:

    Thank you so much! This has been driving me nuts for a day now at work.

  23. Sweaty says:

    I had the same Problem, but ACCESS DENIED pointed to a shortcut on the Default User Desktop!
    Thank You …

  24. Tink says:

    I had the exact same error and this worked for me as well. In my case, an install of Visual Studio 2013 was the culprit. Thanks.

  25. Thanks for this. I had the same problem with a file at: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VSCommon\12.0\SQM – presumably caused by Visual Studio installation/update

  26. Thomas Jilani says:

    For some users, especially in a domain environment, it doesn’t even allow you to logon using a new account. Meaning, there is no profile loaded/created on that workstation for the user to which the computer generates the user profile error. A work around i’ve found is to delete the file below and it will fix the issue.

    C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\SqmApi\SqmData720896_00.sqm

    You may have to show hidden files/folders to see it. Alternatively, do a search for all SQM files and delete them. It looks like SQM files deal with MSN Messenger. This will help you a great deal, and you’ll be able to logon with other users now.

  27. Edd says:

    Thanks very much!!!! your article helped me on an issue I had long time ago… worked perfectly to fix my problem…!

  28. Achim Kretschemr says:

    We solved it for our entire domain by adjusting our GPO with the additional setting of “authenticated Users” in the default user profile.

    The path for this setting in your GPO is: Computer configuration/policies/windows settings/security settings/file system/

    In %SystemDrive%\Users\Default add NT Authority\Authenticated Users with Full Control permission

    After it was pushed down, all users that previously had this issue were able to log on

  29. DJChupa13 says:

    Amazing fix, just shared this solution with the rest of the Tech Help staff here. Thanks!

  30. Mark says:

    Legend! Thanks for this :)

  31. rems128 says:

    It was by far the BEST answer I ever saw.
    It made the trick immediately.
    I was spending time on this issue for 3 hours in a raw, you can’t imagine hot I’m grateful for this post.

  32. Sunny says:

    Saved the day!

  33. Patricia says:

    Excellent! You’re my personal god! I couldn’t find the right answer until now. I ended formatting a PC twice because of this. The second time I found your answer. Thank you so much!

  34. Sean says:

    I had over 20 computers that started having this issue. None of the articles I read worked except this one, Thank you so much for the post.

  35. Jordan says:

    I had the same problem except it was a temp file in the Google Chrome extension folder for the Default user causing the problem. Thanks!

  36. Chris says:

    Thank you so much. This is most helpful and saved me more hours of searching for this annoying issue!

  37. bill says:

    You’re a genius for troubleshooting to this level, and I’d like to thank you so much for sharing! You saved me a day of reformatting a machine.

  38. bsigrist says:

    Articles like this are what make the internet great. Thank you!

  39. Ernst Wolthaus says:

    Thanks! Life saver!

  40. Dagamant says:

    Thank you, I just switched my company to deploying using MDT and we use group policy to install some applications, IE10 is one of them and it looks like the user experience improvement was not disabled for the install. This didn’t effect most users but it did effect a generic account that we use which does not have many file access permissions. I am glad that my first step was 15 minutes of searching rather than 30 minutes of troubleshooting. Thank you.

  41. bolbal says:

    Legend Status Achieved! Was facing a large re-imaging task because of this little quirk.

  42. ljc says:

    Good post, solved my issue. Thanks!

  43. Alex says:

    Great. The method solved my issue too. Respect to Chen.

  44. Waynejf1 says:

    I followed the steps in the in the first post and that fixed my problems we had a couple of machines on our network that would not let new users log in. the issue with ours was the C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files folder was hidden and set as a system folder I could not even get to the security permissions on the folder until I ran the attrib command to allow access to it. after that new users were able to log in. thanks for the post:)

  45. Vivek says:

    amazing Stuff..Got the same error when running as different user for my APS account for IE and SSMS and it worked perfectly. Thanks a ton genius.

  46. Homer says:


  47. Karthik Raman says:

    Thank you Sir. What would we do without you at Fuj…

  48. Dan S. says:

    Thanks for the solution!
    In my case the SQM file was actually located in:

  49. THANKS! says:

    Thanks. Down with SQM files !!

  50. Dan says:

    An IE file for me too. Thank you!!

  51. Sem theGem says:

    TheDude on https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/7fb93109-218c-43d7-b29a-ceaffc598b58/user-profile-service-service-failed-the-logon-user-profile-cannot-be-loaded?forum=w7itprogeneral
    I suggest you check the Advanced Security Settings for the C:\Users\Default folder. Ensure you check the box “Replace all child object permission with inheritable permissions from this object”.”

    • The problem with this approach is while it may fix the issues, you may set up some other permissions incorrectly. In a correctly configured system, the permissions will by different in some subfolders under C:\Users\Default. You can confirm this by running icacls C:\Users\Default /t and comparing results.

    • jonx1000 says:

      That fixedmy issur was working on it for 2 hours ty

  52. Blandy says:

    Yup! Worked a treat :) awesome.
    Keywords: User Service Failed Login Domain New User

  53. nDCasT says:

    Thanks mate, You are awesome!

  54. computica says:

    This fixed it for me. Thank You.

  55. JtatheK says:

    You are awesome! this fix worked perfectly, great to find this post after sifting through the same “its a corrupted user profile” posts

  56. Marcus says:

    I had this issue with VS files with the SQM extension. Once removed, the problem went away. Thanks for the post.

  57. ed goleme says:

    this is wonderful. worked for me i found this that same file stopped me from loggin in with a new user. After deleting it i can now login. Dont rename it to OLD it still causes issues.

  58. Az Erty says:

    Excellent article!! A life saver (at least to avoid wasting time :-)
    I had a different issue than those *.sqm files but searching for ACCESS DENIED in procmon while doing a runas did the trick. Thanks!!

  59. Tony says:

    problem solved !!! thanks a bunch

  60. Chris says:

    I’ve been seeing this issue for a while and a reinstall of the OS always worked…but finding this solution which has worked for me will save loads of time, excellent :)

  61. Koen says:

    Fantastic, thank you so much!!!!

  62. Phil Turpin says:

    Thanks for this. Saved me no end of grief :)

  63. andychips says:

    You, sir, are a complete star. Saved me hours of work. Thank you!

  64. Raul Romeral says:

    I have the same error and the access denied were on

    c:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Plantillas\LiveContent\Managed\Word Document Building Blocks\3082

    Someone knows what is this folder?


  65. Rob Jones says:

    Worked a charm, many thanks! Followed your steps and learned a little more on how to troubleshoot these issues too!

  66. tmatens says:

    Thanks! My problem file happened to be located here:

  67. John Barker says:

    Brilliant! I’ve been banging my head against this problem for the past 36 hours – even after deleting all the existing user profiles on the local machine, it wouldn’t allow any domain user to log in. Many, many thanks – saved me from a Windows re-install !

  68. sanjay says:

    This is awesome … It’s really helpful for me.

  69. Raj Singh says:

    Perfect. Thanks a lot for this helpful post.
    I had a problem running the Sql Server Management Studio under different user accounts.
    Deleted the .sqm file from the folder “C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VSCommon\12.0\SQM\” and SSMS fired up like a charm.

  70. EngHai says:

    Thanks for sharing this!

  71. Ben says:

    Superb, thank you, fixed my issue too, never seen this before!

  72. museed says:

    Thanks very much . It’s really helpful for me

  73. Shane says:

    Dude- you rock! Thanks for saving me the hassle of a reload!!!!

  74. Jerrey says:

    Thank you for supplying this. My ‘access denied’ file was a Voltage Encryption Manager .xml policy file.. Really odd

  75. Janardhan says:

    Excellent!! It works for me..

  76. Jay styx says:

    I’m seriously in need of help…i don’t have ownership of system folders…and I’m finding it more difficult to acquire it in safe mode
    Pls help me…my machine is,locked with all my study notes and I have an exam in 5days

  77. Mike M says:

    Thank you!

  78. OXS says:

    Try this
    Browse to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft on the machine that has the issue.
    Right click on Windows folder and go to Properties
    From Security tab click on Advanced to open Advanced Security Settings
    From Advanced Security Settings, go to Permissions tab and click on Change Permissions button
    Select Users, ensure that group has full control access and then check the box that says ‘Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object’ and click on OK.

  79. Sohef says:

    Thanks for great help it worked

  80. Cellogs says:

    Had the same issue, and application event viewer identified the same file, but Temporary Internet Files wasn’t there. After getting very frustrated I deleted the folder that supposedly ‘contained’ it (Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows) and it sorted the issue.

  81. jgoerke says:

    So helpful! Very well documented as well.

    I had the exact same file as your original problem (diagnosed via Process Monitor).

    I downloaded Process Monitor from Microsoft rather than from link you specified which made me feel a little safer: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/processmonitor.aspx.

    Thanks so much!

  82. Hugo says:

    Man, you saved my day. Thank you for sharing.

  83. Simon says:

    Five years on and this is still valid, wow, thanks.
    For me it was a file under C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Blend\14.0\FeedCache
    but the Event Viewer told me exactly where to look.

  84. Tim says:

    well in my “Temporary Internet Files” ther are no files. Could anyone please help me ?

  85. Tim says:

    In my “Temporary Internet Files” ther are no files ,can anybody help me?

  86. Manju CS says:

    Thank you so much for your detailed description which helped me a lot!
    Thank you!

  87. fitzyboy says:

    Extremely useful post – thanks for sharing!

  88. Will Martin says:

    I was banging my head on the desk for hours over this one. Just deleting that one little file fixed everything. Thanks so much!

  89. Albayaan says:

    I was trying to install some application package on my computer though window xp.. But it was appearing this type of message also… Pls any help for it

  90. Brian Fischer says:

    Just wanted to leave my thanks too. Just updated to SCCM 1511, created a Task Sequence to install Windows 7 and included IE 11 Application created with IE Customization Wizard and was getting this message. Deleting the file fixed it. I’ll have to try creating a new msi with the wizard and see if I can modify the Customer Experience Improvement program to prevent this.

  91. Peter says:

    Incredible work. Thanks for laying out your thought process too, it was incredibly insightful – 5 years later! If anyone is interested, I narrowed this issue file creation (at least in my case) to a Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) package – that was set to all defaults. It is a bit of a bummer too because you can grab an MSI file from IEAK and deploy it via GPO.

  92. hallasha says:

    Very helpful. I did not get the error when I used “Run As” so “ProcMon” tool was not able to identify the “Access Denied”. The article and all the comments mentioned “SQM” so here is what I did and worked for me:
    Logon with Administrator account
    Show hidden files and folders
    Go inside each/all users AppData and search for “sqm” and delete all
    Log off/on again with the failed account

  93. Heather says:

    Thank you :) So helpful!

  94. Raf says:

    Perfect! Thank You.

  95. Sutarmekeg says:

    Thanks man, you saved the day.

  96. Sutarmekeg says:

    I never heard of this problem until recently and suddenly it pops up all the time.

  97. Christopher Stark says:

    Excellent Fix. I’d never seen this before, but you nailed it. Thanks!

  98. Michael Barber says:

    Thanks for posting, this solved my problem!

  99. Thanks. I can’t believe this post since 2011 and still working!! great job!

  100. Rob Johnston says:

    +1 for “You saved the day!” Thanks for the heads up. The offending file was also in the default profile except mine was buried deep in appdata\local\google\blah blah blah….

  101. Pablo67 says:

    Excellent thanks for this!! In my case it was Chrome which was causing this, so uninstalled it and logged in successfully.

  102. Asif Mahmood says:

    Hats Off Sir G, Its a monstrous help

  103. Shane Walker says:

    Thank you very much! After fighting this for hours, using the ProcMon.exe like you suggested showed me to the problematic “permission denied” files. The files in our case causing the issue were in the following (this is also a Windows 7 Pro machine Joined to a Windows Server 2008r2 Domain controller.)

    Deleting the entire Chrome directory fixed it for us.

    Thanks again!


  104. Fortunato says:

    I confirm to all fix solve probem , thanks for sharinining

  105. Fortunato says:

    this blog describe our situation after IE 11 deploy .New user profile (domain user) problem

  106. You are fantastic :D

  107. chan says:

    I tried renaming the file, it did not work, after deleting the file from the folder this works like a charm. Thank you So much.

  108. Ezra Shiram says:

    Thanks so much!!

  109. Michael Cuffe says:

    Excellent! Thank you very much.

  110. risso.santiago@gmail.com says:

    Thank you!!!

  111. Amruta says:

    thank you so much. it was very helpful!!!!

  112. Thank you so much sir! This saved me so much trouble. You should submit your solution to Microsoft or something. Keep up the great work!

  113. Charles says:

    Very nice write up. Followed this step by step and it solved my issue (SQM file corrupted it seems). 6+ years on, this is the post that keeps on giving :)

  114. Saulius says:

    Thank you! Its super helpful

  115. Carl says:

    Had exact same error. This solution worked for me:
    go into the Advanced Security Settings for the C:\Users\Default folder and checking the box to “Replace all child object permission with inheritable permissions from this object”


  116. Mike says:

    More than 6 years since this article came out and it is still saving stumped asses like mine, thank you good sir for this article!

  117. Perfect! Exactly as it happened in your example. The sqm file was a different now, but it was still at fault here.


  118. Keren says:

    What a lifesaver! I’ve been troubleshooting this one computer off and on for the last couple of weeks. I finally came across your post – it worked!! Thank you!!

  119. Dan says:

    This worked beautifully for me!!!

  120. Berberouss says:

    Worked perfectly thanks a lot

  121. Jim B says:

    Dang I wish i was that good at troubleshooting.
    Thanks for posting this!!!

  122. Fabienne says:

    Hello – this work perfectly on W7 machine – the problems is with Visual Studio on a W7 machine, delete the .sqm files located on user-default-appData-Local-Microsoft-Windows-VSCommon-12.0-SQM.
    Delete the 2 files and reboot the machine, you will be able to login with a new user on a domain.

  123. Kenneth says:

    Procmon got me pointed in the right direction. I filtered by “ACCESS DENIED” and discovered that
    C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\AMD\DxCache\673a73c0da5e463025a3dd436c8c44559db45a0a4646e569.bin was preventing logon. I modified the permissions and was able to logon. Thanks for posting your solution.

  124. Jason Lo says:

    This still works perfectly on company’s Win 7 Pro machines! Thanks a lot!

  125. Marjan Mrak says:

    I cannot set filter as you did.

  126. Kevin M says:

    This just made my day. it was actually a .bin file for me, i deleted it, ran the RUNAS again and worked like a champ! Logged off and logged in as the new domain user. Many MANY thanks!

  127. Carlton says:

    works perfect thanks

  128. Lamine says:

    Thanks !!!!

  129. John says:

    Thank your for this article! We had the same issue and this helped to troubleshoot and resolve.

  130. Kevin says:

    Amazing article and still applies in 2024! Had the same issues with a new domain admin user logging into a server 2012 R2 with Exchange 2013 installed. Did not have to use process monitor but I did find 3 exchange-related .sqm files buried in the Default user profile folder that was causing those error messages.

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