Case of the Panasonic TOUGH Book Barcode Settings Failure

These devices are just a pleasure to build automated deployments for. Not. Many people just give up and use the OEM image.

There are a few problems to contend with:

#1 – Drivers & Utilities must be installed in correct order (example: Smart Card driver may prevent others installing…)

#2 – Finding the hidden command line option

PSCDMenu.exe /Auto /Component Essential /Destination “c:\util2”

to auto-install all “essential” 70 drivers/utilities in-order (not to mention the nice 1 GB package it comes in)

#3 – Finding what breaks that automated install of all 70 drivers/utilities (hint: read the log file in c:\util2 and look for any drivers with an exit code other than 0)

#4 – Dealing with the 5 auto-reboots caused by the installation of 70 drivers/utilities in Zero-Touch deployments

Having sorted all the above one final issue remained – at every logon the Panasonic Dashboard utilities launched  a sub-process, “Barcode mode switch utility”, to configure the bar code scanner. This would always fail with the following error message:

Barcode setting failed. Please end the barcode-related application and then retry.


Re-installing all bar code software drivers & utilities + the usual reboot failed to do anything to alleviate this message.

Using ProcMon nothing was immediately obvious.

I then launched Panasonic’s Barcode Configuration Utility with API Monitor ( )

This failed with Barcode Setting Utility failed to access the barcode reader module.


API Monitor can monitor MessageBox calls and the relevant parameters – so it was simply a matter of searching for the text in the error message box to find the related event. I also added ISDC_Rs.dll as an “External DLL” to monitor – as this had been labelled “The Barcode Driver” I then looked backwards through the log for errors. What I found was the error message:

Overlapped I/O operation in progress


Scrolling further backwards through the log I found what I/O this was referring to – a CreateFile call to COM3

Looking in device manager we could then see the device COM3 along with Intel® Active Management Technology – SOL (COM3)


I uninstalled the the device, and chose delete driver option (because I had driver files on hand…)


After giving back the driver to this device Intel Active Management was back – on a different COM Port


Suddenly the barcode application was happy – at first logon we now received message Settings were applied successfully.


and off we could go on our merry way doing 2D barcode scans…

The problem was SCCM had installed the Intel Active Management Technology driver *before* the Panasonic Toughbook driver package had a chance to do it’s stuff, and taken over the COM port for the barcode scanner. And COM ports don’t like to be shared.

About chentiangemalc

specializes in end-user computing technologies. disclaimer 1) use at your own risk. test any solution in your environment. if you do not understand the impact/consequences of what you're doing please stop, and ask advice from somebody who does. 2) views are my own at the time of posting and do not necessarily represent my current view or the view of my employer and family members/relatives. 3) over the years Microsoft/Citrix/VMWare have given me a few free shirts, pens, paper notebooks/etc. despite these gifts i will try to remain unbiased.
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8 Responses to Case of the Panasonic TOUGH Book Barcode Settings Failure

  1. Scott Schryver says:

    Thank you for posting this. These Panasonic devices are horrible to support.

  2. afri says:

    Thank you chentiangemalc. In the installation instructions the ME Driver install is on Position 4 from 57. What a nonsense

  3. Adrian says:

    Hi there
    Could you let me know how you installed the drivers with SCCM, did you create a package and call the package as part of the osd sequence
    these devices seem a pain for zero touchosd


    • Basically we just copy the whole util2 folder to C: Drive (via package or script) and execute silent command. however the trick is: wait for your OSD to complete, we then set autologon key to autologon one more time, and we set runonce key to run the silent command, which will require 5 reboots :) We basically automate it, but after deployment has finished according to SCCM, Toughbook drivers live on. In some cases we’ve also had so much difficulty with COM port we end up setting it manually find the reg key we need to set, and use the reg key to force it.

  4. FYI our driver setup script…if you use the Panasonic driver download tool to grab the drivers and the PDF describing the driver install order, you can use our script to install the whole lot, and continue from where things left off in between reboots. Just double click the script to pick up from there.

    Rename the driver folder root to: CFH2F_M2_Win7_64bit_SP1

    The scripts that Panasonic provides are sensitive to spaces in the folder paths.

    Create a CMD script NEXT to the folder above that contains the drivers.

    I called it Install_All_H2mk2_drivers.cmd but you can use any name of course. Paste in everything below the hash line below.
    ##########START SCRIPT##########
    CD /D %CD%
    if exist %TEMP%\MK1_INSTALL_STAGE3.LOG ECHO Driver install appears complete
    if exist %TEMP%\MK1_INSTALL_STAGE3.LOG GOTO end
    if exist %TEMP%\MK1_INSTALL_STAGE2.LOG ECHO Driver install stage 2 appears complete
    if exist %TEMP%\MK1_INSTALL_STAGE1.LOG ECHO Driver install stage 1 appears complete

    CD .\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\OSINFFileDriver_v9.2.0.1021_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10190\
    TITLE Driver 1
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\LanDriver_v11.8.81.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10191\
    TITLE Driver 2
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\RapidStorageTechnologyDriver_v10.1.0.1008_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10192\
    TITLE Driver 3
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\MeIntelDriver_v7.1.10.1065_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10193\
    TITLE Driver 4
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\VideoDriver_v8.15.10.2291_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10194\
    TITLE Driver 5
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    Shutdown -r -f -t 30
    CD .\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PortReplicatorLANDriver_v1.0.0.14_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10195\
    TITLE Driver 6
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\ButtonDriver_v2.00l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10196\
    TITLE Driver 7
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\HotkeyDriver_v11.1.1100.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10197\
    TITLE Driver 8
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicCommonComponents_v2.00l12_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10198\
    TITLE Driver 9
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicCommonComponents64bit_v2.00l12_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10199\
    TITLE Driver 10
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicMiscDriver_v1.3.1100.100_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10200\
    TITLE Driver 11
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\SoundDriver_v6.0.1.6230_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10201\
    TITLE Driver 12
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\USB-SerialDriver_v6.2_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10202\
    TITLE Driver 13
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\2ndLANDriver_v2.4.8.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10203\
    TITLE Driver 14
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\BluetoothStackDriver_ver7.20.01(p)_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10204\
    TITLE Driver 15
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\DynamicPowerPerfMgmtDriver_v5.00.02.1040pv_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10205\
    TITLE Driver 16
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\IdentityProtectionTechnologyDriver_v1.1.2.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10206\
    TITLE Driver 17
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\AppBtnSetUtil_v2.00l12_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10207\
    TITLE Driver 18
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\BatteryRecalibrationUtil_v2.03l12_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10208\
    TITLE Driver 19
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\CalibrationUtil_v1.04l11_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10209\
    TITLE Driver 20
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\RFIDControlServiceApp_v1.10l13_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10210\
    TITLE Driver 21
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\CleaningUtil_v1.20l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10211\
    TITLE Driver 22
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\DeviceInfoLibDLL_v2.00l11_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10212\
    TITLE Driver 23
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD .\x64\
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\DeviceInfoLibDLL64bit_v2.00l11_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10213\
    TITLE Driver 24
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\DisplaySwitchUtil_v2.01l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10214\
    TITLE Driver 25
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicHandWritingApp_v5.05l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10215\
    TITLE Driver 26
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicDashboardApp_v2.01l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10216\
    TITLE Driver 27
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicNotificationUtil_v1.03l11_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10217\
    TITLE Driver 28
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PCInfoViewerApp_v7.03l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10218\
    TITLE Driver 29
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\QuickBootMgmtApp_v1.01l13_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10219\
    TITLE Driver 30
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\RightClickUtil_v1.00l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10220\
    TITLE Driver 31
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\SwKeyboard_v7.08l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10221\
    TITLE Driver 32
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\WirelessConnDisableUtil_v1.07l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10222\
    TITLE Driver 33
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\WirelessSwitchUtil_v4.08l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10223\
    TITLE Driver 34
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\LoupeUtil_v2.03l10a_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10224\
    TITLE Driver 35
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\DualTouchDriver_v7.0.3-7_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10240\
    TITLE Driver 36
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\WirelessLANDriver_muroc14.0.2.0_wifi_pv_tichowfw0413g_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10226\
    TITLE Driver 37
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\BarcodeReaderDLLDriver_v2.5.1.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10227\
    TITLE Driver 39
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD .\x64\
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\BarcodeReaderDLLDriver64bit_v2.5.2.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10228\
    TITLE Driver 40
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\GPSRegistryPatch_v2.00l13_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10229\
    TITLE Driver 41
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\RFIDDriver_v1.2.3.6_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10230\
    TITLE Driver 42
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD .\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\1DBarcordKeyEmuApp_v1.33l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10231\
    TITLE Driver 43
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\1DBarcordSettingUtil_v1.30l11_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10232\
    TITLE Driver 44
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\2DBarcordSettingUtil_v1.30l12_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10233\
    TITLE Driver 45
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\BarcodeConfigUtil_v1.30l11_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10234\
    TITLE Driver 46
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\camera_v1.11.1115.1_19_5_u1_2_h2_1_d1_1_w73264xp_d112101\
    TITLE Driver 47
    CALL Sinstall.bat
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\CameraLightSwitchUtil_v1.05l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10235\
    TITLE Driver 48
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\PanasonicCameraUtil_v3.02l10_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10236\
    TITLE Driver 49
    CALL setup.exe
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\F5521gw(Ericsson)WWANDriver_v1.02l13_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10237\
    TITLE Driver 50
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\SmartCardDriver_v4.49.0.0_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10238\
    TITLE Driver 51
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\FingerprintDriver_v2009build5632_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10239\
    TITLE Driver 52
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\TouchscreenDriver_v1.0.0.9_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10225\
    TITLE Driver 53
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log
    CD ..\..\CFH2AB_M1_Win7_64bit_SP1\MCAPlatformDriver_v3.1.4_H2A_H2B_W764_ss10242\
    TITLE Driver 54
    CALL Pinstall.bat >>.\MK1_INSTALL_LOG.log

  5. Jason Beale says:

    Thank you so much for this info; I’ve had a CF-19 on my desk for months that I keep putting off because getting our image working on it hasn’t gone well.

    I’m not sure exactly what you mean when you refer to “PSCDMenu.exe /Auto /Component Essential /Destination “c:\util2″”. I’ve been googling and binging with no results at all (other than this blog). Where is this hidden command?

    Thanks again!

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